Yoga Workout/Chillout Preview: Empowered Core Shred + Total Body Mat Melt

Try these two free classes from my brand new Yoga Workout + Yoga Chillout courses and if you love them as much as I know you will, go grab one or both of the courses.

Empowered Core

Class Description & Recommended Props: This blend of HIIT cardio, light weight resistance and yoga poses will connect you more deeply to your core, strengthen outer and inner core muscles – along with a whole body cardio workout! Props: 2 yoga blocks, 2 light hand weights (1-5 lbs) and 2 ankle weights

Total Body Mat Melt

Class Description & Recommended Props: This total restorative session will melt tension and stress from your hip flexors, low back, low belly, abs and spine. Get ready to free your center! Props: 2 yoga blocks, 1 large bolster or sturdy cushions

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Let’s end the year fierce and chill!



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