Q: Does taking this training guarantee me full Yoga Shred® Certification?

A: So far, everyone who has taken the training has passed the final exam and the video submission. You do not have to submit a video to our Master Trainers for approval, and you can still teach Yoga Shreds in your classes to great benefit, but you cannot become fully Certified without completing and passing the exam and video.

Q: Do I have to teach yoga in my classes or be a yoga teacher to take this training?

A: Absolutely not. The Yoga Shred workouts are 4-minute fitness moves, enhanced by anatomy and Sadie’s knowledge of biomechanics and yoga. You can teach these in any class whether or not you’re into yoga!

Q: What is your refund policy?

A: Once you have purchased this training, you gain access to all the information and intellectual property Sadie created. Since you can amplify your financial success by adding in Shreds to class, even if you don’t complete the Certification, and as we live in an online world where information can easily be shared, you agree that this training is non-refundable except in rare cases, at Sadie’s sole discretion. Please write us at Info@FitFierceClub.com to request a refund.

Q: Do I have to be an already Certified teacher to take this training or does this certify me to begin teaching?

A: Anyone can take this training for their own knowledge, but in order to become fully Yoga Shred® Certified, you must have already completed an in-person teaching certification training of some sort. We ask this because we want to be sure you know how to move bodies safely and have been vetted by an in-person trainer before our online training.

Q: Is there a time limit to complete the training?

A: You can start and work through your training any time you want, but we do limit final exams and video submissions to 90 days after you complete the final part of your training. This is so we can schedule our Master Trainers to be ready to give you personal feedback and approve your Certification.